Tagged: fall

Weekly Safety Meeting – Falls from Heights

Weekly Safety Meeting – Falls from Heights

Falls From Heights Falls are among the most common causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. Employers must take measures in their workplaces to prevent employees from falling off overhead platforms, elevated workstations or into holes in the floor and walls. Falls are the second leading cause of occupational fatalities...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Platform Safety (2)

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Platform Safety (2)

 Aerial Platform Safety Man-lifts and scissor lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers can’t imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man-basket. These lifts, collectively called...

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Platform Safety (2)

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Platform Safety (2)

 Aerial Platform Safety Man-lifts and scissor lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers can’t imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man-basket. These lifts, collectively called...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety (4)

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety (4)

Ladder Safety There is absolutely no reason for anybody to get hurt, disabled, or killed while using a ladder. Yet it happens every single day. Somebody steps on the safety sticker that says, “This is not a step!” and ends up with a broken leg. Another worker puts a rock...

Safety Tip of the Week – Ladder Safety (4)

Safety Tip of the Week – Ladder Safety (4)

Ladder Safety Virtually every single ladder accident could and should have been prevented. It only takes a little bit of common sense about ladder safety to prevent an accident from occurring while using ladders. Stick to the following simple ladder safety rules to ensure that you or your fellow workers...

Safety Tip of the Week – Scaffolding Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Scaffolding Safety

 Scaffolding Safety Every year nearly 100 fatalities and 10,000 injuries occur on scaffolding across the country, despite numerous safety regulations aimed to prevent such incidents. The good news is that almost all scaffold accidents can be prevented by proper training. Scaffold hazards: • Falls from elevation due to lack of...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Scaffold Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Scaffold Safety

Scaffolding Safety Every year nearly 100 fatalities and 10,000 injuries occur on scaffolding across the country, despite numerous safety regulations aimed to prevent such incidents. There are a number of different scaffold types, having different rules and regulations surrounding their assembly, fall prevention requirements, and inspection procedures. The good news...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety (3)

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety (3)

Ladder Safety   There is absolutely no reason for anybody to get hurt, disabled, or killed while using a ladder. Yet it happens every single day. Somebody steps on the safety sticker that says “This is not a step!” and ends up with a broken leg. Another worker puts a...

Safety Tip of the Week – Ladder Safety (3)

Safety Tip of the Week – Ladder Safety (3)

Ladder Safety   Virtually every single ladder accident could and should have been prevented. It only takes a little bit of common sense about ladder safety to prevent an accident from occurring while using ladders. Four rules for safe use of ladders: Pick the right ladder for the job you...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Choosing the Right Ladder

Weekly Safety Meeting – Choosing the Right Ladder

 Choosing the Right Ladder Each year in the U.S more than twenty thousand people are rushed to the emergency room due to ladder related falls and accidents. Ladder accidents and falls can result in severe injury and in some cases even death. The proper precautions must always be taken. Everyone...