Category: Safety Tip of the Week

Safety Tip of the Week – Scaffold Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Scaffold Safety

  Practice safe behaviors on scaffolding at all times: Only one person should stand on an individual plank at a time. Materials should not be hoisted or placed on cantilevered platforms unless they are designed for it. Be aware of activities taking place overhead and try to keep tools away...

Safety Tip of the Week – Protecting Your Hearing

Safety Tip of the Week – Protecting Your Hearing

        Hearing Protection Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable with the proper use of engineering and administrative controls in addition to personal protective equipment. Types of hearing protection devices Selection of hearing protection devices Proper use of hearing protection Maintenance of hearing protection devices Performance of hearing protection...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Protection

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Protection

   Protect yourself from hand injuries by remembering the following basic safety rules: Recognize hazards. Think through each job before you begin. Follow safety rules. Avoid shortcuts. If an accident happens, notify your supervisor and seek prompt treatment.    Download flyer: STOTW_Hand Protection.pdf (139.85 kb)

Safety Tip of the Week – Avoiding Electrical Shocks

Safety Tip of the Week – Avoiding Electrical Shocks

  Always make sure electric tools and equipment is properly grounded. Always check to be sure the grounding system is complete. Use heavy duty grounded extension cords. Remember water and electricity don’t mix! Never work on or around a live electrical circuit. Treat every electric wire as if it were...

Safety Tip of the Week – A Clean Work Place

Safety Tip of the Week – A Clean Work Place

A clean work place helps avoid slips, trips, and falls. A clean work place makes it easier to find tools and materials. A clean work place is a more enjoyable place to work. A clean work place is more productive. Keep your work place clean – you’ll be happier, more...