Category: Safety Tip of the Week

Safety Tip of the Week – Machine Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Machine Safety

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, many workers in the United States are killed each year by contact with equipment or being caught up in operating machinery. Bottom lines is that these deaths could have been prevented. Be Alert Working Around or Operating Machinery The point of operation: That...

Safety Tip of the Week – Working Safely with Corrosives

Safety Tip of the Week – Working Safely with Corrosives

Corrosive chemicals can burn, irritate, or destructively attack living tissue. When inhaled or ingested, lung and stomach tissues are affected. Materials with corrosive properties can be either acidic (low pH) or basic (high pH). Cleaning compounds may contain acids or bases. Before using a material, always read the Safety Data...

Safety Tip of the Week – 55-Gallon Drum Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – 55-Gallon Drum Safety

With the average 55-gallon drum weighing between 400-600 lbs., manually transporting, decanting, or otherwise handling drums is not only physically demanding, but a potentially dangerous task for any worker. Risk Factors At least four serious injuries can occur if a 55-gallon drum is not handled safely: fractures, lacerations, hernias, and...

Safety Tip of the Week – Toxic Materials

Safety Tip of the Week – Toxic Materials

Safe handling and safe work procedures are crucial for workplaces where individuals use toxic materials. It is vital that people working with hazardous materials such as toxics are properly trained regarding the potential hazards. In General, When Handling Toxic Materials: Use only the smallest amount necessary to do the job;...

Safety Tip of the Week – Rules for Safe Ladder Use

Safety Tip of the Week – Rules for Safe Ladder Use

Virtually every single ladder accident could and should have been prevented. It only takes a little bit of common sense about ladder safety to prevent an accident from occurring while using ladders. Four Rules for Safe Use of Ladders: Pick the right ladder for the job you are going to...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety Cans

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety Cans

Are you using a red plastic gas can? If so, you may be living with a ticking time bomb. Deadly explosions causing catastrophic burn injuries and deaths are occurring across America due to the absence of a flame arrestor in the canister. OSHA states “Only approved containers and portable tanks...

Safety Tip of the Week –  Protecting Workers from Heat

Safety Tip of the Week – Protecting Workers from Heat

Working outdoors in hot weather can result in serious illness or even death. Workers exposed to extreme heat may experience symptoms of heat- related illnesses, such as heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, fainting, heat stroke, and other symptoms. Heat-related illness is also linked to injuries from falls, equipment operation...

Safety Tip of the Week – Air Compressors

Safety Tip of the Week – Air Compressors

Compressed air is present across just about every industry. Companies use compressed air for many functions, from running huge equipment to powering simple air tools. Compressed air is a valuable utility and is a safe power source when used properly. As with any other energy carrying power source however, compressed...

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Platform Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Platform Safety

Man-lifts and scissor lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers can’t imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man-basket. These lifts, collectively called “Aerial Work Platforms,”...

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

Your back is in motion all day, every day, even when sleep. It bends when you sit, twists when you turn, lifts when you stand, and supports you when you walk. An injured back can be uncomfortable, or it can be disabling. By learning a few back injury prevention techniques,...