Tagged: winter

Safety Tip of the Week – Winter is Coming

Safety Tip of the Week – Winter is Coming

Changing weather is often nature’s way of telling you that winter is on its way. Whether you like it or not, it can happen while you’re on the job. The best you can do is prepare for this phenomenon. After all, when you’re uncomfortable, you’re more at risk of making...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Winter is Coming

Weekly Safety Meeting – Winter is Coming

It’s probably happened to you more than one once. You’re out in the field on a cloudy day when suddenly, cool gusts of wind blow your way. Before long, a biting cold creeps inside your body and you end up shivering on the job. Because you did not expect this...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Winter Driving

Weekly Safety Meeting – Winter Driving

The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Many accidents could be avoided if drivers took time to learn and practice these tips for driving safely during snowy and icy conditions. Perhaps the deadliest danger of all is “black ice.” Black ice is ice that forms on...

Safety Tip of the Week – Winter Driving

Safety Tip of the Week – Winter Driving

The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Many accidents could be avoided if drivers took time to learn and practice these tips for driving safely during snowy and icy conditions. Winter Driving Tips: Driving in the snow and ice is one of the most dangerous activities...

Safety Tip of the Week – Getting Ready for Winter Work

Safety Tip of the Week – Getting Ready for Winter Work

Working outside in the winter can be a dirty job, but many of us have to do it. Are you ready for winter work? Prolonged exposure to freezing or cold temperatures may cause serious health problems such as trench foot, frostbite, and hypothermia. Danger signs include uncontrolled shivering, slurred speech,...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safe Winter Driving

Safety Tip of the Week – Safe Winter Driving

Safe Winter Driving Driving conditions in the winter months can be full of treacherous hazards including winter ice, poor visibility, strong winds, snow, rain, and more. We all know that driving in snow and on ice covered roads can be perilous. Regardless of your driving skill or vehicle preparation, there...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Winter Driving

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Winter Driving

Safe Winter Driving Driving conditions in the winter months can be full of treacherous hazards including, winter ice, poor visibility, strong winds, snow, rain, and more, especially in northern regions that get a lot of snow and ice. Additional preparations can help make a trip safer or help motorists deal...

Safety Tip of the Week – Cold Weather Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Cold Weather Safety

Cold Weather Safety Even though it’s cold outside, we still have to work and get the job done. There are several things we can do to keep warm and prevent cold weather-related injuries. Most cold-related injuries are a result of exposure to humidity, high wind, wet conditions, and inadequate clothing....

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety

Cold Weather Safety Employees who work outdoors during the winter months must deal with the hazard of exposure to the cold. Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can result in health problems as serious as trench foot, frostbite, and hypothermia. There are several ways of preventing employee exposure to cold weather...