Safety Tip of the Week – Ticks

tickTick-borne pathogens can be passed to humans by the bite of infected ticks. Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Tick bite prevention:

  • Avoid areas where there is a lot of vegetation or animals that can carry ticks.
  • If you have to be in these areas, wear clothes and gloves that cover as much skin as possible.
  • Use bug repellant that protects against ticks.
  • Check for ticks periodically on your clothes and skin, and in your hair. Do a head to toe check of your body before showering.
  • Ticks like to bury themselves in the skin on warmer areas of the body.

If you find a tick on you:

  • It is important to remove the tick as quickly as possible.
  • Removing the tick quickly can prevent the spread of disease if the tick is infected.
  • Use fine tip tweezers to remove the tick.
  • Make sure the head of the tick is removed with the body. Save the tick in a zip lock bag or container in case it needs to be identified later on if disease occurs.
  • Wash the area as well as your hands with soap and water after the tick is removed. Apply antibiotic ointment to the area if the bite becomes irritated.


Download flyer: STOTW_629_Ticks

Download Spanish flyer: STOTW_629_Ticks_esp

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