Safety Tip of the Week – Fatal 4: Falls

OSHA identifies the “fatal four” as the leading causes of death in the construction industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, 38.4% of deaths in this industry were due to slips, trips, and falls, accounting for about half of fall-related deaths in the U.S. that year. Employers should make sure they train employees properly, use fall prevention controls in work areas at height, and provide the proper equipment to workers on the job.

General Fall Protection Safety Tips

Some general guidelines to prevent falls are the following:

  • If you are working at 6 feet or more, use fall protection.
  • Have a fall prevention plan in place before starting a job.
  • Provide workers with the proper equipment for the job.
  • Make sure work platforms are stable.
  • Inspect your harness, lanyard, and anchorage point (equipment) before each use.
  • Train everyone to use equipment safely.

Hierarchy of Controls and Fall Protection

Keep in mind the hierarchy of controls when it comes to safety around fall hazards.

Elimination is the most effective way of dealing with a hazard but is not always possible. Substitution involves switching out a process or a material for a less dangerous one. Engineering Controls physically prevent workers from coming close to known dangers. Administrative Controls change the way work is done by providing workers with procedures, training, and warnings to avoid hazards. Personal protective equipment is the last line of defense against hazards on the hierarchy of controls and includes clothing and devices to protect workers.

Download flyer: STOTW_1205_Fatal_Four_Falls

Download Spanish flyer: STOTW_1205_Fatal_Four_Falls_esp

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