Category: Safety Tip of the Week

Safety Tip of the Week – Amputation Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Amputation Safety

Amputation Safety Amputations are some of the most serious and debilitating workplace injuries. Amputations occur most often when workers operate unguarded or inadequately safeguarded mechanical power presses, power press brakes, powered and non-powered conveyors, printing presses, roll-forming and roll-bending machines, food slicers, meat grinders, meat-cutting band saws, drill presses, and...

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss — Report It

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss — Report It

Near Miss – Report It A “near miss” or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm, or damage. When a “near miss” happens, it should immediately send up a red warning flag that something...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hearing Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Hearing Safety

Hearing Safety Noise is unwanted sound that can effect job performance, safety, and your health. Psychological effects of noise include annoyance and disruption of concentration. Physical effects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and interference with communications when the exposure is severe. Here’s how to protect your hearing: • Reduce...

Safety Tip of the Week – Fire Extinguisher Use

Safety Tip of the Week – Fire Extinguisher Use

Fire Extinguisher Use Do you know how to extinguish a fire? According to OSHA regulations, no one at a workplace is supposed to use a fire extinguisher unless they have been trained to do so. Though this may seem awfully restrictive, there are several good reasons for this rule. If...

Safety Tip of the Week – Pallet Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Pallet Safety

Pallet Safety Pallets are used at many job sites and companies each and every day. From shipping product out the door to moving items internally, pallets are part of our daily life. Pallets are a fundamental part of warehouse and industrial life. They’re immensely helpful in allowing workers to move...

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safety

Lifting Safely What’s wrong with this picture? Answer: This person is bending only at the waist to pick up an object. What’s right with this picture? Answer: This person is bending his knees and keeping his back as straight as possible to pick up an object. Keep your back healthy…always...

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping for Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping for Safety

Housekeeping for Safety Lack of proper housekeeping on the job is one safety hazard common to all worksites. Good housekeeping is one item that can help improve not only the safety on the job, but also the morale and productivity of the job. Housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility, So, get in...

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye and Face Protection

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye and Face Protection

 Eye and Face Protection Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. No matter where we work, flying particles, dusts, splashes, or flying objects are apt to expose us to potential eye injury. Causes of Eye and Face Injuries: Splashes from harmful liquid chemicals such as acids...

Safety Tip of the Week – Demolition Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Demolition Safety

Demolition Safety One of the most dangerous times in any worker’s career is when he or she is working to demolish something. Demolition involves hazards due to unknown factors that make demolition work particularly dangerous. Hazards: Proper planning is essential to ensure a demolition operation is conducted with no accidents...