Category: Safety Tip of the Week

Safety Tip of the Week – Good Housekeeping is a Virtue!

Safety Tip of the Week – Good Housekeeping is a Virtue!

We collect many articles to work within our work areas. Materials lying around can easily be ready to present us with some troubling conditions. Many items are not normally considered hazardous but can easily become hazardous especially when they might become trip, contact, puncture or splinter hazards. Best Practices to...

Safety Tip of the Week – Loading Dock Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Loading Dock Safety

Loading docks are a hub of activity in manufacturing plants, warehouses, industrial buildings, and distribution centers. Loading Dock Hazards: The loading dock area must be inspected regularly to identify potential hazards that may include: Slips, trips, and falls caused by floor conditions, poor housekeeping, or dock edge; Forklifts overturning; Pedestrian...

Safety Tip of the Week – Trip Injuries and Prevention

Safety Tip of the Week – Trip Injuries and Prevention

A common hazard that can be overlooked is the trip hazard. While falls are undoubtedly responsible for the majority of fatalities, trips cause far too many injuries in the workplace. Trip Hazards: There is an endless list of possible trip hazards found in a workplace such as: Extension cords; Tools,...

Safety Tip of the Week – Incident Prevention

Safety Tip of the Week – Incident Prevention

Consider this statistic: 80 out of every 100 accidents are the fault of the person involved in the incident. By avoiding unsafe acts and practicing common sense, your work will go more smoothly, with less chance for accidents. Unsafe Acts: Unauthorized use or operation of equipment; Failure to secure or...

Safety Tip of the Week – Holiday Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Holiday Safety

The holidays are one of the most festive, and therefore, most decorated times of year. It is during this brief period of time that we literally deck the halls with as many lights and decorations as we can stand. Unfortunately, the holiday season is also one of the busiest for...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Asbestos

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Asbestos

Asbestos is used in many products because of its high tensile strength, flexibility, and resistance to chemical and thermal breakdown. Asbestos is used in insulation, fireproofing materials, automotive brakes, cement and wallboard materials, floor tiles and roofing material. Exposure: Disturbing asbestos materials may generate airborne asbestos fibers. Asbestos is only...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety in Abrasive Blasting

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety in Abrasive Blasting

The following safety rules are recommended when abrasive blasting work is being performed: Allow only authorized and properly trained personnel within the blasting area. All blasting equipment must be inspected and properly assembled with all approved safety devices and gauges. Employees must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment including NIOSH approved respirators...

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Lift Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Aerial Lift Safety

Man-lifts and scissor lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers can’t imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man- basket. These lifts, collectively called “Aerial Work...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Nail Guns

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Nail Guns

Nail guns are powerful, easy to operate, and boost productivity for nailing tasks. They are also responsible for an estimated 37,000 emergency room visits each year – 68% of these involve workers and 32% involve consumers. Nail Gun Injuries: There are seven major risk factors that can lead to nail...