Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Safety

As summer continues, you may notice a lot of insects buzzing around outside. People with an allergy to stinging insects will want to take extra precautions this time of year to avoid being stung. Many people are at risk for a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction from insect stings.

This may be fatal if not treated immediately. Symptoms of anaphylaxis to watch for include itching and hives over large areas of the body—separate or away from the site of the sting—swelling in the throat or tongue, difficulty breathing, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.

Unfortunately, most people are not even aware they are allergic to insect stings or bites until after they are experiencing a reaction. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to the insect venom.


Ants: Ants (fire ants) are aggressive when stinging and inject venom, which causes a burning sensation. Ant mounds can be commonly found under logs, rock, and under bark in trees.

Bees/Wasps/Hornets: These insects are most abundant in the warmer months. Nests and hives may be found in trees, under roof eaves, and behind siding.

Spiders: There are many types of spiders that can bite humans. Some are extremely poisonous. Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders both have very poisonous venom – a bite can be fatal.

Ticks: Ticks are parasites that bite to suck blood and a bite can spread many types of disease. These insects can be found in areas of high grass, bush, and around woodpiles.

Sting & Bite Prevention Tips:


  • Always be aware of your work area. Do not disturb or stand on/near ant mounds.
  • Be aware that when lifting items off the ground, they may be covered in ants.
  • If stung or bitten, brush ants off briskly as they will attach to the skin with their jaws.
  • Seek medical attention if adverse health effects arise, such as severe chest pain, nausea, severe sweating, swelling, or slurred speech occurs.


  • Avoid perfumes and colognes.
  • Wear light-colored clothes.
  • Cover as much of the body as possible with clothes.
  • Remain calm if a single insect is flying around you. Do not swat at it.
  • If stung, wash the site with soap and water.
  • Remove the stinger, if possible, by scraping a fingernail over the area. Apply ice to reduce swelling.
  • Get medical attention immediately if allergic.


  • Do not disturb spiders if possible.
  • Wear clothing to cover as much of the body (arms/legs especially) as possible.
  • Inspect outdoor items for spiders before lifting or moving them.
  • If bitten, clean the area with soap and water. Apply a cool compress to reduce swelling.
  • If you suspect a bite is from a poisonous spider, elevate the bite area and immediately seek medical attention.


  • Avoid wooded and bushy areas and areas with high grass.
  • Wear a hat. Wear clothing to cover as much of the body as possible (lower body especially).
  • Thoroughly inspect clothing/body/hair.
  • If bitten, remove tick by using tweezers and grasp the tick’s head as close to the surface of the skin as possible.
  • Pull backwards gently. Do not jerk. After removing tick, wash area with soap and water.
  • Seek medical attention if you feel it is necessary.
Download flyer: SMOTW_1132_Insect_Safety

Download Spanish flyer: SMOTW_1132_Insect_Safety_esp

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