Weekly Safety Meeting – Halloween Safety

October is a fun time to enjoy the beginning of Autumn, especially Halloween. The subject of safety doesn’t just stop after considering the issues pertaining Halloween candy. Let’s consider a few other interesting things that parents should also consider.


Be aware that visibility might be poor to spot trick-or-treaters on Halloween night and try to avoid driving in busy neighborhoods if possible. Although reflectors are a great idea, most people do not wear reflectors on Halloween night. Drive slowly in neighborhoods just in case there are pedestrians walking on or crossing the road.

Safety in Numbers

There is safety in numbers. When you are with a large group, you are more visible to vehicles than you would be alone. When approaching houses, be careful and don’t go alone. Make sure there are other children trick-or-treating where you are, that are going door to door at the houses with lights on. Never approach a house without the lights on.

Communication Is Key

Parents, kids, friends, and family need to have a plan in place to arrive safely home. Whether this means clarifying where someone is going, what time they will be back, how they can be reached, and having a backup plan in case something happens, it needs to be discussed before they leave. If a group is going together and someone gets lost, what should that person do? What should the group do? You should talk about this beforehand, because there is nothing scarier than having a person get lost or go missing from your group! Think about starting a group chat before you leave, then having everyone check in that when they get home. Also consider turning on the location on your phone for the night.

Trick or Treating Hazards

When you leave the house to go trick-or-treating with friends or family, think about the following suggestions:

  • Remember to arm your home alarm system and lock the doors, protecting your home while you’re out;
    • Get a smart doorbell or outdoor security camera with night vision to see who’s at the door before you open it. Use an app to check the security camera for suspicious activities;
  • Check the batteries in your smoke detectors and test them before you light any candles;
  • Turn on lights, so visitors know you’re home and accepting guests (or turn them off if you aren’t or when you run out of candy);
  • Prepare your entrance so it’s well illuminated, so people can see the pathway to your door.
  • Stay in neighborhoods that are familiar;
  • Don’t go alone, use the buddy system. Take the night off and always stay with your kids, especially if they are age 12 or under;
  • Begin early and get home early. Remember adult Halloween parties probably have alcohol consumption. Streets could be more dangerous the later it gets;
  • Check to see that kids’ shoelaces are tied. Don’t run; walk. Avoid going in yards or gardens between houses; Use the sidewalk;
  • Cross at properly marked corners or crosswalks, looking both directions before crossing;
  • Stay on sidewalks in clearly lit areas to avoid tripping;
  • Stay on the same side of the street avoiding zigzagging back and forth;
  • Approach only homes with porch lights on; and
  • Inspect the bag, buckets, and their contents for choking hazards and opened or non-packaged candy.
    • Check them in good lighting to properly inspect every item and read ingredients.


Remember, some candy contains nuts and that might increase the probability of nut allergy trips to the emergency room.

Download flyer: SMOTW_1043_HalloweenSafety

Download Spanish flyer: SMOTW_1043_HalloweenSafety_esp

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