Tagged: near

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss — Report It

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss — Report It

Near Miss – Report It A “near miss” or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm, or damage. When a “near miss” happens, it should immediately send up a red warning flag that something...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Close Calls / Near Missed

Weekly Safety Meeting – Close Calls / Near Missed

Close Calls/Near Misses According to statistics, about 3 billion “close calls” or “near misses” occur annually in United States workplaces. Statistics also show that for every 300 near misses, 29 minor injuries occur, along with one injury serious enough to keep the injured person out of work. A close call,...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Near Miss

Weekly Safety Meeting – Near Miss

Near Miss A “near miss” or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm, or damage. When a “near miss” happens, it should immediately send up a red warning flag that something was wrong, unplanned,...