Tagged: hand

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Safety

Hand injuries account for 80 percent of all occupational injuries. This is because the hands are engaged in almost all activities on the job. Can you imagine any occupation that does not make use of the hand? Hands are so important because of their utility. They provide us with the...

Safety Tip of the Week –  Hand Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Safety

Hand injuries account for 80 percent of all occupational injuries. This is because the hands are engaged in almost all activities on the job. Can you imagine any occupation that does not make use of the hand? Hand Safety Dos and Don’ts Make sure your workers learn and remember these...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Failing to properly use and maintain electric-powered tools causes thousands of cuts, punctures, pinches, amputations, and electrocutions each year. Tools can seriously injure or kill the user if not properly maintained or used. Everyone who uses tools must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different types of tools...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Power tools are a common part of our everyday lives and are present in nearly every industry. These simple tools can be hazardous and have the potential for causing severe injuries when used or maintained improperly. Everyone who uses tools must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Injuries

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Injuries

Each year in the U.S. over 16 million people suffer hand injuries; over 250,000 of those are serious and disabling. The hand is one of the most complex parts of your body. The movement of the tendons, bones, tissues and nerves allows you to grip and do a wide variety...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Injuries

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Injuries

Each year in the U.S. over 16 million people suffer hand injuries. Over 250,000 of those are serious and disabling. Typical injuries include: Puncture wounds; Lacerations; Broken fingers; Contusions; Thermal Burns; and Chemical Burns. These injuries occur when: Cutting or using a sharp tool; Using hand tools; Reaching into moving...

Safety Tip of the Week –  Picking the Proper Glove

Safety Tip of the Week – Picking the Proper Glove

Picking the Proper Glove Hand injuries account for approximately 1/3 of all disabling job-related injuries each year. Over 80% of these injuries are caused by pinch points. These injuries are of all kinds–cuts, bruises, fractures, and amputations. Approximately 20% of these injuries become infected. Hand injuries are most common in...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Picking the Proper Glove

Weekly Safety Meeting – Picking the Proper Glove

Picking the Proper Glove Your hands are one of your most valuable assets. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to touch, hold, feel, write, or gesture. In fact, you couldn’t do much of anything. Too often, however, we take them for granted. We don’t pay attention to how we treat...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Using Hand Tools Safely

Weekly Safety Meeting – Using Hand Tools Safely

Using Hand Tools Safely Your tools enable you to perform your job. When they aren’t in proper working order, or when you don’t handle them properly, you can’t perform your job. That means that you might be endangering yourself or others. Before handling any tool, whether it was furnished by...

Safety Tip of the Week – Using Hand Tools Safely

Safety Tip of the Week – Using Hand Tools Safely

Using Hand Tools Safely Hammers, wrenches, chisels, pliers, screwdrivers, and other hand tools are often underrated as sources of potential danger. Hand tools may look harmless, but they are the cause of many injuries. In fact, an estimated 8 percent of all workplace compensable injuries are caused by incidents associated...