Tagged: exposure

Safety Tip of the Week – Working Safely with Lead

Safety Tip of the Week – Working Safely with Lead

Lead exposure can occur during a variety of job activities. Lead is common in a wide range of materials including paints and other coatings, lead mortars, and base metals, which may be welded on or abrasive blasted. Lead presents a potentially serious occupational health hazard when the lead-containing particulates become...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safely Working with Lead

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safely Working with Lead

It used to be thought that only children were exposed to lead poisoning hazards which occurred mostly from eating lead-based paint chips from doors or windows in the home. This is no longer the case. Studies conducted over the past few years now suggest many adults are exposed to lead...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Chemical Spill Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Chemical Spill Safety

Unplanned release of a chemical can have devastating effects. Skin and eye burns, damage to the lungs, fire and explosion, corrosive damage to materials, pollution of air, soil, and water, and danger to the public are just some of the possible consequences of a chemical spill. Chemical spills can be...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping – Construction Sites

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping – Construction Sites

Housekeeping – Construction Sites Did you know that over two thirds of all accidents involve housekeeping in some way, shape, or form? Approximately 2.5 million disabling injuries happen in the service industry every year with a cost of over 100 billion dollars. Housekeeping is everyone’s job – every trade, every...

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping – Construction Sites

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping – Construction Sites

Housekeeping – Construction Sites Construction sites can be busy and hectic with many workers and multiple contractors carrying on different yet simultaneous operations. What would happen if these groups never cleaned up after themselves? Trash and debris would pile up to become one large hazardous obstacle course. It’s every worker’s...

Safety Tip of the Week – Working In Cold Environments

Safety Tip of the Week – Working In Cold Environments

Working In Cold Environments As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques. Workers at risk...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Working In Cold Environments

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working In Cold Environments

 Working In Cold Environments Summer and fall are gone and the winter months are upon us. Even though it’s cold outside we still have to work and get the job done. There are several things we can do to keep warm and prevent cold weather-related accidents. Cold temperatures and increased...