Loading docks are a hub of activity in manufacturing plants, warehouses, industrial buildings, and distribution centers.
Loading Dock Hazards:
The loading dock area must be inspected regularly to identify potential hazards that may include:
- Slips, trips, and falls caused by floor conditions, poor housekeeping, or dock edge;
- Forklifts overturning;
- Pedestrian and powered truck collision;
- Trailer creep, which can cause a gap between the trailer and dock;
- Moving unsecured loads;
- Struck by and being crushed by an object or load;
- Back injuries from improper lifting or carrying;
- Inadequate lighting especially in the trailer; and
- Carbon monoxide exposure from truck and powered material-handling equipment.
Controlling Loading Dock Hazards:
You can reduce loading dock hazards by:
- Shutting off engine and engaging the break while loading or unloading vehicle;
- Preventing trailer creep by using wheel chocks and vehicle restraints;
- Providing physical barriers at dock edges when not in use;
- Ensuring dock plates have appropriate capacity, stability, and proper placement;
- Preventing employees from riding on material handling equipment;
- Providing adequate lighting at the dock and in trailers; and
- Maintaining good housekeeping and cleaning up the area regularly.
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