Safety Tip of the Week – Nail Gun Safety – Choose Full Sequential Trigger

 Nail Gun Safety – Choose the Full Sequential Trigger

“Nail guns are powerful… They are responsible for an estimated 37,000 emergency room visits each year – 68% of these involved workers.” – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In the construction industry, many workers use nail guns every day for many jobs. Nail guns boost productivity but they also cause tens of thousands of serious injuries every year. It turns out that nail gun injuries are common. According to one study, 2 out of 5 residential carpenter apprentices experience a nail gun injury over a four-year period. In fact, nail gun injuries hospitalize more construction workers than any other tool-related injury. When they occur, these injuries are often not reported or given proper medical treatment. Research has identified that the risk of a nail gun injury is twice as high when using a multi-shot contact trigger than when using a single-shot sequential trigger nailer.

Follow these Precautions to Minimize the Risk of Using Nail Guns

The bottom line: When selecting nail guns, contractors should check the tool label and manufacturer’s manuals for manufacturer-specific trigger names and operating information. Remember, a full sequential trigger is safer!

  • SINGLE NAIL: Push safety contact, then squeeze trigger

  • MULTIPLE NAILS: Release both safety contact and trigger and repeat process

Accidents Hurt-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Safety doesn’t! 

Download flyer: STOTW_40_NailGunSafety-ChooseFullSequentialTrigger.pdf (105.13 kb)

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