Safety Tip of the Week – Is Blue Light Bad for Your Eyes?

Every day, we expose our eyes to increasing amounts of artificial blue light while using our technology. Technology such as tablets, smartphones, laptops, flat screen TVs, and other digital devices all expose us to blue light.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several other medical reviews, blue light is hard for our eyes to block, so nearly all of it travels to our retinas. There has been concern that continuous long-term exposure to blue light can damage retinal cells and cause eye conditions such as eye cancer, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which occurs when part of our retina, the macula, is damaged. AMD causes a loss of central vision. It is the primary cause of vision loss in people over 50.

Blue light may be, and ultraviolet light is known to be damaging to tissue, such as that in the retina. Because of this, our retina can be more prone to damaging stress, depending on how much UV exposure our eyes get and for how long.

Researchers Suggest Helping Reduce Eye Strain by:

  • Resting our eyes regularly;
  • Sitting or standing further away from screens;
  • Limit the glare;
  • Keeping our eyes lubricated; and
  • Visit your optometrist.
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