First Aid for Burns
A burn can be painful or painless, according to the degree. The degree of a burn is determined by its location on the body and the number of skin layers affected. Heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation can cause a burn. The first response in a burn situation is to stop the heat source or break contact between the heat source and the skin. The body holds in the heat and continues to burn until the skin cools. In many cases you can cool the burn with water. Unless told to by a medical professional, never use butter or ointments; they seal in heat and may cause infection. If blisters form, they should not be broken because they protect the burn from infection.
The severity of a burn may not be obvious for up to 24 hours and infection may occur if improperly treated.
Always seek medical help if the victim:
• Shows symptoms of shock;
• Has head or neck burns or has trouble breathing;
• Has burns on the hands, feet, or groin (making muscle and ligament damage more likely);
• If second or third-degree burns are present; or
• If victim is over age 60 or under 5 years of age.
Before an accident happens, know the location of the first aid kit, the nearest telephone and medical facility. Burns can be painful and cause irreparable damage in seconds. You must be able to respond appropriately and get medical help as quickly as possible.
Safety is a full-time job…don’t make it a part time practice!!
Download flyer: STOTW_514_First Aid for Burns.pdf (860.61 kb)
Download Spanish flyer: STOTW_514_First Aid for Burns_esp.pdf (861.80 kb)