Nearly every type of work or occupation has the potential for causing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). To prevent these injuries, it is important to understand the factors that contribute to them. Ergonomic factors are workplace conditions that pose the risk of injury to the musculoskeletal system of the worker
Factors that Contribute to the Development of WMSDs Include:
- Force – the strength to perform a task;
- Repetition – the frequency or number of times a task is performed during a shift;
- Posture – positioning of the body to perform a task;
- Vibration – this might come from overuse of power hand tools;
- Temperature – extreme temperatures are more harmful to the body;
- Duration – the amount of time in a workday spent performing work tasks; and
- Non-work-related issues – health, lifestyle, hobbies, and sports may add to the ergonomic risk factors.
Reducing WMSDs and/or the Severity of WMSDs Includes:
- Reducing repetition or duration when possible. o Job rotation can help.
- Understanding what is adjustable at your work site.
- Reporting work-related pain and discomfort. When necessary, get a medical evaluation.
- Trying new work methods and tools.
- Giving suggestions for ergonomic job improvements.
- Exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Using good ergonomic principles at home as well as work.
- Keeping your work area organized and the area as clean as possible.
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