A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Weekly Safety Meeting – Overhead Crane Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Overhead Crane Safety

Overhead shop cranes move heavy items in manufacturing and production areas. Although shop cranes are useful, “overhead” can sometimes be “out of sight and out of mind” when it comes to safety. Workers need training on crane hazards and operation, and they should never forget the safety hazards moving overhead....

Safety Tip of the Week – Overhead Crane Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Overhead Crane Safety

Overhead shop cranes move heavy items in manufacturing and production areas. Although shop cranes are useful, “overhead” can sometimes be “out of sight and out of mind” when it comes to safety. Workers need training on crane hazards and operation, and they should never forget the safety hazards moving overhead....

Safety Tip of the Week – Drugs on the Job

Safety Tip of the Week – Drugs on the Job

Drug abuse is spinning out of control in today’s American workplaces. Upwards of ten percent of all employees have problems with chemical dependency. Substance abuse and/or addiction in the workplace is extensive, affecting every industry at all employee levels, and is a situation that will not solve itself. Problems that...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Drugs on the Job

Weekly Safety Meeting – Drugs on the Job

Drug abuse is spinning out of control in today’s American workplaces. Upwards of ten percent of all employees have problems with chemical dependency. Substance abuse and/or addiction in the workplace is extensive, affecting every industry at all employee levels, and is a situation that will not solve itself. Any person...

Safety Tip of the Week – Plumbing Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Plumbing Safety

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, maintenance workers, including plumbers, experience more injuries and illnesses than nearly any other occupation. Fortunately, responsible plumbers can avoid the vast majority of these threats by adhering to plumbing safety tips and using proper protective gear. Plumbing Accidents: The type, frequency, and severity...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Plumbing Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Plumbing Safety

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, maintenance workers, including plumbers, experience more injuries and illnesses than nearly any other occupation. Fortunately, responsible plumbers can avoid the vast majority of these threats by adhering to plumbing safety tips and using proper protective gear. Even with the best safety planning, there...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching, right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...