Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Protecting Workers from Heat

Weekly Safety Meeting – Protecting Workers from Heat

At times, workers may be required to work in hot environments for long periods. When the human body is unable to maintain a normal temperature, heat illnesses can occur and may even result in death. It is also important to consider that hot work environments may exist indoors. Workers exposed...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Compressors

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Compressors

Compressed air is present across just about every industry. Companies use compressed air for many applications, from running huge equipment to powering simple air tools. Compressed air is a valuable utility, and it is a safe power source when used properly. As with any other energy carrying power source however,...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Platform Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Platform Safety

Man-lifts and scissors lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers cannot imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man-basket. These lifts, collectively called “Aerial Work Platforms,”...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

Back injuries are the most common injury in the workplace and the cause of most missed work time. An injury can be caused by strain, spasm, or sprain to the ligaments or muscles of the back. This can happen due to lifting something that’s too heavy or overextending (overstretching) the...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Safety

Employees often bring their cell phones to work, a choice that could potentially cause numerous hazards on the job. Cell phones can be a dangerous distraction in the workplace. Just like other workplace distractions such as horseplay and chattering with coworkers, cell phones can cause us to lose focus on...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Preventing Cuts and Lacerations

Weekly Safety Meeting – Preventing Cuts and Lacerations

Each year, millions of workers suffer workplace injuries that could have been prevented. Some of the most common and preventable injuries are cuts and lacerations. Although statistical data differs from study to study, cuts and lacerations often rank as the second or third most frequent workplace injury. Approximately 30 percent...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insects and Outdoor Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insects and Outdoor Safety

As summer approaches, you may notice an increase in the number of insects buzzing around outside. People with an allergy to stinging insects will want to take extra precautions this time of year. Up to 5% of Americans are at risk for anaphylaxis, a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction from...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heat is Coming

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heat is Coming

As spring turns into summer and brings on hot weather, we should all be aware of some tips to prevent heat stress. Remember, physical activity at high temperatures can directly affect health and indirectly be the cause of accidents. Statistics show a rise in temperature can affect the workplace in...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Chemical Fume Hoods

Weekly Safety Meeting – Chemical Fume Hoods

A chemical fume hood is critical in a lab. A well-designed hood, when properly installed and maintained, offers a large degree of protection to the user, provided that it is used appropriately, and its limitations are understood. A fume hood is a ventilated enclosure used to control chemical exposure to...