Safety Tip of the Week – The Fatal 4: Caught-in or -between

Of the OSHA fatal four in the construction industry, the caught in/between hazard category accounts for about 2% of all deaths. A caught-in or -between incident occurs when a worker is caught, stuck, crushed, squeezed, or pinched by or caught between parts of an object or two or more objects.

Caught Events

A ‘caught” event results in being crushed between objects. Some examples of caught events include:

  • Injuries caused by machinery that has unguarded parts;
  • Buried in or by (E.g. A trench, wall or excavation collapse/cave-in;
  • Pinned between (E.g. Being pulled into/caught in machinery or equipment); and
  • Being compressed or crushed between rolling, sliding, or shifting objects (e.g. a recycling compactor that was turned on while cleaning).

Protect Yourself

It is important to be aware of hazards on the worksite and to know what is safe. Training is key to understanding what areas present danger and how to protect yourself, so your employer should provide training. Employers should instruct workers to recognize and avoid hazards and familiarize employees with regulations and practices to avoid on-the-job injury or illness. Employers should provide PPE and training on how to use it.

Learn from the Fatalities

Accident descriptions of caught-in and caught-between include some of the most gruesome accident summaries imaginable. A 2,500 lb. bowl apron of a scraper left in the raised position fell on an employee. A pants leg got caught in a bore hole rod while it was still spinning. Rollovers and cave-ins…the list goes on. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented. So, ask questions, stay aware and play it safe!

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