Weekly Safety Meeting – How About That Little Piece of Paper?

Many of us go to work each day and just try to get our jobs done as well as we have been instructed to do. Perhaps as good as it can be done if no one is watching. That has to be “alright” because that gets the job done! “Its good enough for government work,” some might say, as they laugh to themselves.

But workplace safety is not just a “alright enough” job. If we have the attitude that something is “alright enough,” we could be leaving a whole lot of concerns up for grabs. The result could be that we have not evaluated the potential outcomes; and results could be catastrophic for others or ourselves.

It is just like seeing a little piece of paper that is on the floor…and thinking we don’t have to concern ourselves about picking it up! Maybe you think that someone other than you should bend over and pick it up. You don’t have to take the time or make the effort to pick up that little piece of paper; but if you do, just imagine if someone realizes what you did! You cared enough! Perhaps others will say to themselves, “I care enough, also!”

What Creates the Old “Alright Enough” Behavior?

Well, there could be all kinds of reasons why people might take on the attitude of “alright enough!” Some of the reasons might be:

  • Sometimes individuals just won’t do more than what they are trained to do for fear of doing something wrong. Perhaps their training was not detailed or included checklists, or “Standard Operating Procedures.” Perhaps the act of asking a supervisor was so uncomfortable or terrifying. Perhaps the supervisor seemed uninterested or unapproachable;
  • Perhaps the business workplace doesn’t express the seriousness of “Safety” in their organization and no one, from management on down the chain seems to think rules or regulations are important enough to establish or follow themselves;
  • Perhaps individuals are complacent, never having to do more than “good enough;” and
  • Perhaps they really are very tired, lacking physical strength and energy enough to want to engage in being safety conscience and passionate about the “Safety Culture.”

How to Prevent the “Alright Enough” Behavior:

• We should always do the very best we can in everything we do. Let’s agree to be exceptional and excellent in our character and personal actions and leave nothing to question. Stepping up and doing our best will reduce the probability of unsafe acts or condition existing, leading to injuries or illnesses. This positive behavior also produces an impressive reflection on your character and probability for positive opportunities in your future as an employee.

  • We should always strive to prepare ourselves for the work week, getting plenty of rest, proper nutrients, vitamins to preserve our energy so we can do our best, doing the correct thing, not taking chances or shortcuts.
  • We should always get help or ask questions when we are in doubt about a policy, practice, near miss, or anything concerning. No question is too silly, just the unasked one!


“Alright enough” is a behavior that affects us at home and at work in all walks of our life. Set your sights high and excel at what you do in everything you aim for. That could mean your appearance is always polished and your personal possessions are in top shape. It also means that little piece of paper on the floor never gets a chance to lie there very long!

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