Tagged: insect

Weekly Safety Meeting – Flying Stinging Insects

Weekly Safety Meeting – Flying Stinging Insects

No matter whether our work activities take us outdoors or indoors, we can be at risk from being stung by flying insects like bees, wasps, hornets. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH publication 2010-117), stings from these flying insects may result in severe allergic reactions...

Safety Tip of the Week – Flying Stinging Insects

Safety Tip of the Week – Flying Stinging Insects

Working outdoors or indoors, you can be at risk from being stung by flying insects like bees, wasps, and hornets. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), stings from some of these flying insects may result in severe allergic reactions that require immediate medical care, and...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Tick Bites

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Tick Bites

Did you know the tick exposure can occur year-round? Ticks seem to be more active during the warmer months of the year (i.e., April through September, according to the Center of Disease Control. Prepare Before Going Outdoors Where to expect ticks: Ticks live in grassy, bushy, or wooded areas, or...

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Tick Bites

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Tick Bites

Did you know the tick exposure can occur year-round? Ticks seem to be more active during the warmer months of the year (i.e., April through September, according to the Center of Disease Control. Prepare Before Going Outdoors Where to expect ticks: Ticks live in grassy, bushy, or wooded areas, or even...

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Protect yourself and your family from the mosquito bites. Choose The Right Repellent Product To find the repellent that is right for you, EPA has provided a search tool on its website. Please visit the following EPA website to learn more: https://www.epa.gov/insect-repellents/find-repellent- right-you Tips for Babies and Children Dress your...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching, right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Safety Tip of the Week – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching, right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Sting Allergies

Nearly everyone has experienced an insect bite or sting at some point in his or her life. Most of the time, these stings and bites lead to mild pain or itching right where they occurred. Sometimes, however, people can experience more severe reactions that could be caused by an allergy...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Bites and Stings

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Bites and Stings

Bites and stings are a relatively common occurrence for people who work outdoors and in enclosed environments where bees and wasps, fire ants, insects and arachnids (spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites) feel at home. Employers and workers are encouraged to understand exposure risks, how to recognize and respond to stings...