Tagged: back

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

Your back is in motion all day, every day, even when sleep. It bends when you sit, twists when you turn, lifts when you stand, and supports you when you walk. An injured back can be uncomfortable, or it can be disabling. By learning a few back injury prevention techniques,...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

Back injuries are the most common injury in the workplace and the cause of most missed work time. An injury can be caused by strain, spasm, or sprain to the ligaments or muscles of the back. This can happen due to lifting something that’s too heavy or overextending (overstretching) the...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevention of Back Injuries

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevention of Back Injuries

Back injuries are the most common injury in the workplace and the cause of most missed work time. The injury can be caused by a strain, spasm, or sprain to the ligaments or muscles of the back. This can happen due to lifting something that’s too heavy or over-extending (overstretching)...

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevention of Back Injuries

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevention of Back Injuries

There are approximately 400,000 back injuries each year. They are the leading source of lost time injuries and cost billions of dollars annually, not to mention the hours, days, or even months of disabling pain. In construction work, material is constantly being moved or lifted, and most often the lifter...

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

Safety Tip of the Week – Back Injury Prevention

There are approximately 400,000 back injuries each year. They are the leading source of lost time injuries and cost billions of dollars annually, not to mention the hours, days, or even months of disabling pain. In construction work, material is constantly being moved or lifted, and most often the lifter...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

Weekly Safety Meeting – Back Injury Prevention

There are approximately 400,000 back injuries each year. They are the leading source of lost time injuries and cost billions of dollars annually, not to mention the hours, days, or even months of disabling pain. In construction work, material is constantly being moved or lifted, and most often the lifter...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lifting Safely

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lifting Safely

Lifting Safely Eight out of ten Americans will eventually suffer a back injury or have some type of back pain. Back injuries are often difficult to treat and can result in lengthy and costly rehabilitation. It is important to stay healthy and in good shape so that we can do...

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safely

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safely

Lifting Safely Back injuries account for about one in every five job-related injuries in workplaces. Disabling back injuries are no laughing matter for workers who lose time from work or from personal activities. The truth is that most of the pain and lost time can been prevented if you are...

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Lifting Safety

Lifting Safely What’s wrong with this picture? Answer: This person is bending only at the waist to pick up an object. What’s right with this picture? Answer: This person is bending his knees and keeping his back as straight as possible to pick up an object. Keep your back healthy…always...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lifting Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lifting Safety

Lifting Safely Back injuries can be extremely painful and long-lasting. They can keep you in bed for extended periods of time and they may occasionally even require surgery. For some people, back pain doesn’t really ever go away. Back strains and injuries can happen anywhere, but a great many of...