Safety Tip of the Week – Hazard Awareness (2)

Hazard Awareness

Many small things influence our lives. Not paying attention to them can sometimes have disastrous consequences, especially when it comes to safety. Fortunately, most of us have been trained to keep an eye out for the “big hazards” that could cause injury. But, sometimes, it’s the little or unnoticed hazards that can cause us the greatest harm.

We often intend to report a defective tool, extension cord, or stepladder to the maintenance department but don’t take the time or forget about. It is important to follow through on our good intentions, since these are just the sorts of “little things” that can result in a serious injury to ourselves or to other workers.

Here’s what we all need to remember:

It’s important to follow through and fix or report these “little things.” Little things do matter, especially when someone gets hurt because of that “little thing.” If everyone took the time to pay attention to all of the potential hazards around us, and then fix it or report them, we could prevent some of these workplace injuries – even some of the more serious ones.

If you are walking near one of those “little things” or even a serious hazard, ask yourself, “Would I want someone else to report this if I knew that I might be injured because of it?”

If the answer is yes, then take the time to report it!

As you begin work, ask yourself:

  • Do I have the right tools/equipment for the job?

  • Have I inspected my tools/equipment to make sure they are in good repair or am I trying to get by?

  • Is the work laid out to provide safe completion of the job?

  • Are the materials I am using safe and do I need additional personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, hard hat, respirator, etc.?

  • Is there a safer way to accomplish the task?

  • Are all necessary equipment guards in place?

    It’s better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute!! 



Download flyer: STOTW_26_Hazard Awareness.pdf (107.50 kb)

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