Eye and Face Protection
Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. No matter where we work, flying particles, dusts, splashes, or flying objects are apt to expose us to potential eye injury.
Causes of Eye and Face Injuries:
Splashes from harmful liquid chemicals such as acids or cleaning solutions;
Flying debris, chips, and dust from grinding and windy conditions;
Flying projectiles from objects colliding, falling, or being dumped;
Loose straps, cords, or banding that breaks or snaps under extreme tension; and
- Extreme heat and light radiation from exposure to flames, welding, or torches.
BLS found that almost 70% of the accidents studied resulted from flying or falling objects, or sparks striking the eye.
It is not enough to provide PPE. Employees must be trained on the selection, use, fitting, inspection, maintenance, and storage of PPE.
Reduce eye hazards:
Use engineering controls (best) such as machine guards that prevent the escape of particles or welding curtains for arc flash protection.
Use administrative controls (good) such as making certain areas “off limits” unless that is your work assignment area or putting passageways out of active work zones.
- Use the proper protective eyewear (required, but doesn’t remove all risk).
Always give eyes the highest possible level of protection. The right PPE will give your eyes the greatest protection against all possible hazards. Inspect and maintain this PPE to prevent damage to your eyes.
Eyes are priceless – eye protection is cheap!!
Download flyer: STOTW_411_EyeFaceProtection.pdf (201.91 kb)
Download Spanish flyer: STOTW_411_EyeandFaceProtection_esp.pdf (202.06 kb)