A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Weekly Safety Meeting – First Aid Awareness

Weekly Safety Meeting – First Aid Awareness

The OSHA First Aid standard requires trained first-aid providers at all workplaces of any size, if there is no “infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees.” When an accident happens, a first aid program that meets the...

Safety Tip of the Week – First Aid Awareness

Safety Tip of the Week – First Aid Awareness

The OSHA First Aid standard requires trained first-aid providers at all workplaces of any size, if there is no “infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees.” If an employee is expected to render first aid as part...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Suspension Trauma – After the Fall

Weekly Safety Meeting – Suspension Trauma – After the Fall

OSHA describes suspension trauma as “the development of symptoms such as light-headedness, poor concentration, palpitations, tremulousness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headache, sweating, weakness, and occasionally fainting during upright standing.” Suspension trauma, also known as “harness hang syndrome” and “orthostatic intolerance,” occurs after a worker has fallen into a fall arrest harness...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Report Near Misses

Weekly Safety Meeting – Report Near Misses

A worker received an electric shock on a piece of equipment he was using. He was not injured, and he did not report the incident. A few days later another worker also received a shock from the same defective equipment and again did not report the problem. Within days a...

Safety Tip of the Week – Report Near Misses

Safety Tip of the Week – Report Near Misses

A “near miss” or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm, or damage. When a “near miss” happens, it should immediately send up a red warning flag that something was wrong, unplanned, unexpected, and...