A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Safety Tip of the Week – Hot Work Hazards

Safety Tip of the Week – Hot Work Hazards

Welding is a routine job on many worksites. However, this common task has hazards that can result in serious injury and property damage. Welding operators, as well as bystanders, can be directly affected by these hazards. Fires on industrial sites are caused by a variety of activities including welding or...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Hazards

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Hazards

For some of you, welding is a hands-on job; but welding safety is really up to everyone. It involves not only the welder, but also those working in the vicinity of welding operations. We also need to watch out for hazards should a contractor enter our facility to do a...

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss – Report It

Safety Tip of the Week – Near Miss – Report It

A “near miss” or accident without injury is easy to shrug off and forget. But there is a danger in brushing off accidents that don’t hurt, harm, or damage. When a “near miss” happens, it should immediately send up a red warning flag that something was wrong, unplanned, unexpected, and...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Near Miss – Report It

Weekly Safety Meeting – Near Miss – Report It

A worker received an electric shock on a piece of equipment he was using. He was not injured and he did not report the incident. A few days later another worker also received a shock from the same defective equipment and he too did not report the problem. Within days...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hearing Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Hearing Safety

Noise is unwanted sound that can affect job performance, safety, and your health. Psychological effects of noise include annoyance and disruption of concentration. Physical effects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and interference with communications when the exposure is severe. Here’s How to Protect Your Hearing: Reduce the noise reaching...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hearing Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hearing Safety

Noise is unwanted sound that can affect job performance, safety, and your health. Psychological effects of noise include annoyance and disruption of concentration. Physical effects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and interference with communications when the exposure is severe. Hearing protection is essential when noise exposures can’t be controlled...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Fire Extinguisher Use

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fire Extinguisher Use

In the event of a fire, the correct use of a portable fire extinguisher could mean the difference between suffering a minor loss or a major one. Portable fire extinguishers, if used properly, can make that difference. But there are several things to consider in using fire extinguishers. For instance,...

Safety Tip of the Week – Fire Extinguisher Use

Safety Tip of the Week – Fire Extinguisher Use

According to OSHA regulations, no one at a workplace is supposed to use a fire extinguisher unless they have been trained to do so. Though this may seem awfully restrictive, there are several good reasons for this rule. If an untrained person tries to extinguish a blaze, some serious mistakes...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Pallet Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Pallet Safety

Pallets are used at many job sites and companies every day. From shipping product out the door to moving items internally, pallets are part of our daily life. Pallets are a fundamental part of warehouse and industrial life. They’re immensely helpful in allowing workers to move loads around in a...

Safety Tip of the Week – Pallet Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Pallet Safety

Pallets are used at many job sites and companies each and every day. From shipping product out the door to moving items internally, pallets are part of our daily life. Pallets are a fundamental part of warehouse and industrial life. They’re immensely helpful in allowing workers to move loads around...