A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye Safety on the Job

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye Safety on the Job

Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. No matter where we work, flying particles, dust, splashes, or flying objects are apt to expose us to potential eye injuries. Causes of Eye and Face Injuries: Splashes from harmful liquid chemicals such as acids or cleaning solutions; Flying...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Eye Safety on the Job

Weekly Safety Meeting – Eye Safety on the Job

Eye injuries of all types occur at a rate of more than 1000 per day. Each year some 100,000 occur, many of these are disabling because of temporary or permanent vision loss. A recent survey by the Bureau of Labor statistics found that three out of five workers who suffer...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazard Safety Recognition

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazard Safety Recognition

Lack of proper housekeeping on the job is one safety hazard common to all construction projects until after final cleanup. Good housekeeping is one item that can help improve not only the safety on the job, but also the morale and productivity of the job. Housekeeping is a very important...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hazard Safety Recognition

Safety Tip of the Week – Hazard Safety Recognition

A hazard is defined as an incident, a thing likely to cause injury, a chance of being injured or harmed, or a possible source of danger. Over 80% of all workplace injuries arise from worker behavior. We make mistakes, errors in judgment, or simply do not have our full attention...

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping for Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Housekeeping for Safety

Lack of proper housekeeping on the job is one safety hazard common to all worksites. Good housekeeping is one item that can help improve not only the safety on the job, but also the morale and productivity of the job. Housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility. We should all be in the habit...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping for Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping for Safety

Lack of proper housekeeping on the job is one safety hazard common to all construction projects until after final cleanup. Good housekeeping is one item that can help improve not only the safety on the job, but also the morale and productivity of the job. Housekeeping is a very important...

Safety Tip of the Week – First Aid for Burns

Safety Tip of the Week – First Aid for Burns

A burn can be painful or painless, according to the degree. The degree of a burn is determined by its location on the body and the number of skin layers affected. Heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation can cause a burn. The first response in a burn situation is to stop the heat source or...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  First Aid for Burns

Weekly Safety Meeting – First Aid for Burns

A burn can be painful or painless, according to the degree. The degree of a burn is determined by its location on the body and the number of skin layers affected. Heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation can cause a burn. The first response in a burn situation is to stop...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety at Loading Docks

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety at Loading Docks

Loading docks are hubs of activity in manufacturing plants, warehouses, industrial buildings, and distribution centers. In most companies, this is the primary location of movement of product in and out of a facility. Loading Dock Hazards: The loading dock area must be inspected regularly to identify potential hazards that may...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Loading Dock Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Loading Dock Safety

Loading docks are hubs of activity in manufacturing plants, warehouses, industrial buildings, and distribution centers. In most companies, this is the primary location of movement of product in and out of a facility. A loading dock is a recessed bay in a building where trucks are loaded and unloaded. Loading...