A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Tick Bites

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Tick Bites

Did you know the tick exposure can occur year-round? Ticks seem to be more active during the warmer months of the year (i.e., April through September, according to the Center of Disease Control. Prepare Before Going Outdoors Where to expect ticks: Ticks live in grassy, bushy, or wooded areas, or...

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Tick Bites

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Tick Bites

Did you know the tick exposure can occur year-round? Ticks seem to be more active during the warmer months of the year (i.e., April through September, according to the Center of Disease Control. Prepare Before Going Outdoors Where to expect ticks: Ticks live in grassy, bushy, or wooded areas, or even...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites. Every year mosquitoes affect people and, it seems, every year more and more viruses and parasites are directly related to mosquito bites, e.g., Zika, Dengue, West Nile Virus, and Dirofilariasis (dog heartworm). Overseas travelers should be prepared to prevent mosquito bites because...

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Safety Tip of the Week – Prevent Mosquito Bites

Protect yourself and your family from the mosquito bites. Choose The Right Repellent Product To find the repellent that is right for you, EPA has provided a search tool on its website. Please visit the following EPA website to learn more: https://www.epa.gov/insect-repellents/find-repellent- right-you Tips for Babies and Children Dress your...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Venomous Spider Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Venomous Spider Safety

Venomous spiders, including Black Widows and Brown Recluses, can be found in the United States. These spiders can be dangerous to workers; they are often found both inside and outside workplaces. Spiders are usually not aggressive, and most spider bites occur because the spider becomes trapped or unintentionally touched. It...

Safety Tip of the Week –  Venomous Spider Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Venomous Spider Safety

Venomous spiders, including Black Widows and Brown Recluses can be found in the United States. These spiders can be dangerous to workers; they are often found inside and outside workplaces. Spiders are usually not aggressive, and most spider bites occur because the spider becomes trapped or unintentionally touched. It is...

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Safety Tip of the Week – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Whenever you operate a powder-actuated hand tool, safe work practices must always be followed. Only qualified persons who have been trained and certified by an authorized instructor can use a powder-actuated tool. Safe Practices for Powder-actuated T ools: Before use, the operator must inspect to verify that the tool is...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Whenever you operate a powder-actuated tool (PAT), safe work practices must always be followed. These tools are designed to drive nails or other fastening devices into material such as concrete, steel, and masonry, which are not easily penetrated. These devices use explosive charges similar to a firearm. Since the charge...

Safety Tip of the Week – Woodchipper Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – Woodchipper Safety

Avoid Chipper Accidents; Follow These Precautions: Suit up for the job. Anyone working near a chipper should wear eye and hearing protection, tight-fitting clothing, a hard hat or helmet, and gloves with no cuffs. Work boots with skid-resistant soles can prevent slips and falls near the feed chute. Leave the...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Woodchipper Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Woodchipper Safety

Mobile woodchippers chop up branches and trunk pieces from tree trimming operations. Workers feed materials through a hopper where the materials are grabbed by a feed mechanism. The materials then pass under rotating chipper knives moving at rates of 1,000 and 2,000 rpm until the tiny pieces are discharged out...