Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Protection

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hand Protection

  Next to our eyes, our hands are probably the most important part of our body when it comes to doing our work. They’re involved in almost everything we do. Yet many of the things we do with our hands are done without any deliberate thought. Your hands have no...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Avoiding Electrical Shocks

Weekly Safety Meeting – Avoiding Electrical Shocks

 Avoiding electrical shocks requires awareness of the hazards and a respect for this “Silent Killer.” The human body has a low resistance to electricity, making it, like most metals, a good conductor. Unlike metals however, the human body does not respond well when electricity passes through it. Physical results include...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Unsafe Acts

Weekly Safety Meeting – Unsafe Acts

Most of us know that only two things, unsafe acts or practices and unsafe conditions, cause accidents. Some of us even know that 9 out of 10 accidents are the result of unsafe acts, things we do when we know better. This is kind of strange if you think about...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ladder Safety

 We have all worked on or around ladders at some time in our lives, either at work, at home, or both. The following tips are intended to make your interaction with ladders less hazardous: Inspect it. Before using a ladder, inspect it for faults such as broken rungs or rails....

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping

Housekeeping is a very important part of your job. Not only does it improve the overall appearance of your shop or work area, it shows that you take pride in where you work. The best way that you can help keep your work place clean is to pick up after...