Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Pinch Point Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Pinch Point Safety

Pinch Point Safety Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are referred to as “pinch points.” The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heat Disorders-Dehydration

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heat Disorders-Dehydration

Heat Disorders – Dehydration With summer comes hot weather, so we should all be aware of some tips to prevent heat stress. Remember physical activity at high temperatures can directly affect health and indirectly be the cause of accidents. Hot conditions put your body under a lot of stress. Physical...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Handling 55-Gallon Drums

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Handling 55-Gallon Drums

Handling 55-Gallon Drums Safely Industrial drums of any size pose a significant workplace risk for anyone employed in warehousing or material handling occupations. With the average 55-gallon drum weighing between 400-600 pounds, manually transporting, decanting, or otherwise handling drums is not only physically demanding, but also a potentially dangerous task...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Personal Fall Protection

Weekly Safety Meeting – Personal Fall Protection

Personal Fall Protection Falls are the second leading cause of occupational fatalities and disabling injuries in the United States. Each year, over 500 workers die in fall-related accidents and over 300,000 workers suffer a disabling injury. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), most of these...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazard Awareness (2)

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazard Awareness (2)

Hazard Awareness Many small things influence our lives. Not paying attention to them can sometimes have disastrous consequences, especially when it comes to safety. Fortunately, most of us have been trained to keep an eye out for the “big hazards” that could cause injury. But, sometimes, it’s the little or...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Compressor Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Compressor Safety

Air Compressor Safety Compressed air is present across just about every industry. Companies use compressed air for many functions, from running huge equipment to powering simple air tools. Compressed air is a valuable utility a safe power source when used properly. As with any other energy-carrying power source however, compressed...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Safety

Hot Work Safety For some of you, welding is a hands-on job, but welding safety is really up to everyone. It involves not only the welder, but also those working in the vicinity of welding operations. We also need to watch out for hazards should a contractor enter our facility...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Work Platorms

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Work Platorms

Aerial Work Platforms Man-lifts and scissor lifts are two pieces of equipment that many workers can’t imagine working without. This equipment, if used correctly, provides quick and safe access to work areas that at one time could only be reached from scaffolding or a crane’s man-basket. These lifts, collectively called...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hearing Protection

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection Noise is unwanted sound that can effect job performance, safety, and your health. Psychological effects of noise include annoyance and disruption of concentration. Physical effects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and interference with communications when the exposure is severe. Hearing protection is essential when noise exposure can’t...