Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Fire Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fire Safety

One of our deadliest enemies can be fire. Fire has the capability to be devastating to us. It can mutilate our bodies and present catastrophic injuries that can kill us. Within just a few short moments a fire can destroy structures and materials that took years to accumulate or build....

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heart Attacks

Weekly Safety Meeting – Heart Attacks

According to the Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association, in the United States someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Every year, about 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack. Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack. 200,000...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety – Hypothermia

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety – Hypothermia

Beware of Hypothermia When your body temperature sinks below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, you have hypothermia, a serious health hazard that occurs when body temperature is lowered too much. Get medical attention immediately. Move the victim inside to a heated location and begin warming the center of the body first. If...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety – Frostbite

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Weather Safety – Frostbite

Extremely cold air comes every winter into at least part of the country and affects millions of people across the United States. This Arctic air can be dangerous. Combined with brisk winds, dangerous cold wind chill values can result. People exposed to extreme cold are susceptible to frostbite and can...

Weekly Safety Meeting –  Halloween Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Halloween Safety

October is a fun time to enjoy the beginning of Autumn, especially Halloween. The subject of safety doesn’t just stop after considering the issues pertaining Halloween candy. Let’s consider a few other interesting things that parents should also consider. Traffic Be aware that visibility might be poor to spot trick-or-treaters...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fire Prevention Month

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fire Prevention Month

October is traditionally “Fire Prevention Month.” Since 1922 the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has been instrumental in helping with this effort by naming the second week of October as “Fire Prevention Week” to recognize the horrific Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The goals of this commemorative event have been...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Corrosive Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Corrosive Safety

In the workplace it is possible that you may have an opportunity to work with corrosive substances. You may work with products such as cleaning materials that could be corrosives, like hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, or nitric acid. Many common products contain alkaline/bases, such as ammonium hydroxide, potassium...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lead Hazards

Weekly Safety Meeting – Lead Hazards

Workers involved in the renovation, repair, tear down, and disposal of damaged or destroyed structures and materials can often encounter materials that contain lead. Repair, renovation, and demolition operations often generate dangerous airborne concentrations of lead, which is a metal that can cause damage to the nervous system, kidneys, blood...