Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prepare for the Heat

Weekly Safety Meeting – Prepare for the Heat

As temperatures begin to rise, so does the risk of heat illness. Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable, yet many people succumb to the effects. Heat-related illness is also an underlying cause of a high percentage of non-fatal incidents. People suffer from heat-related illness when their bodies are unable to...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Keep It Clean for Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Keep It Clean for Safety

Did you know that over 2/3 of all accidents involve housekeeping in some way, shape, or form? Approximately 2.5 million disabling injuries happen in the service industry every year with a cost of over 100 billion dollars. In one recent year, OSHA issued more than 1,100 citations for violations of...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Static Electricity

Weekly Safety Meeting – Static Electricity

Static Electricity can occur when materials are rubbed together, such as walking across carpet while wearing wool socks. Static charges can develop when a liquid passes through a pipe or through an opening into a tank or drum. A static spark is a discharge of electricity across a gap between...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Be Aware of Hazards

Weekly Safety Meeting – Be Aware of Hazards

Many small things influence our lives; and not paying attention to them can sometimes have disastrous consequences…especially when it comes to safety. Fortunately, most of us have been trained to keep an eye out for the “big hazards” that could cause injury. But, sometimes, it’s the little or unnoticed hazards...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Air Compressors

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Air Compressors

Compressed air is present across just about every industry; companies are using compressed air for many functions, from running huge equipment to powering simple air tools. Compressed air is a valuable utility and is a safe power source when used properly. As with any other energy-carrying power source, compressed air...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Eye Safety on the Job

Weekly Safety Meeting – Eye Safety on the Job

Eye injuries of all types occur at a rate of more than 1,000 per day. Each year some 100,000 of these will be disabling because of temporary or permanent vision loss. A recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that three out of five workers who suffered an...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Emergency Eye Wash

Weekly Safety Meeting – Emergency Eye Wash

Let’s hope you never need one, but if you do let’s hope it’s clean and accessible. If you get foreign particles in your eyes, an emergency eyewash station is the most important initial step in first-aid treatment. Chemical burns to the eye are among the most urgent of emergencies. Toxic...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Head Protection

Weekly Safety Meeting – Head Protection

Hard hats are commonly used in many types of workplaces to protect employees from head trauma caused by falling objects, striking their head against an object, or electrical hazards. The hard hat is a piece of personal protective equipment designed to individually protect an employee when all other methods of...