Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Suspension Trauma – After the Fall

Weekly Safety Meeting – Suspension Trauma – After the Fall

OSHA describes suspension trauma as “the development of symptoms such as light-headedness, poor concentration, palpitations, tremulousness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headache, sweating, weakness, and occasionally fainting during upright standing.” Suspension trauma, also known as “harness hang syndrome” and “orthostatic intolerance,” occurs after a worker has fallen into a fall arrest harness...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Report Near Misses

Weekly Safety Meeting – Report Near Misses

A worker received an electric shock on a piece of equipment he was using. He was not injured, and he did not report the incident. A few days later another worker also received a shock from the same defective equipment and again did not report the problem. Within days a...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ventilation in Confined Spaces

Weekly Safety Meeting – Ventilation in Confined Spaces

Confined spaces frequently contain atmospheres that are flammable, toxic, or whose oxygen level has been depleted or enriched. Natural ventilation is generally insufficient to remove contaminated air from the inside space and to exchange it for fresh air from the outside. The lack of air exchange occurs particularly in confined...

Weekly Safety Meeting – If in Doubt – Lock It Out

Weekly Safety Meeting – If in Doubt – Lock It Out

There are many examples of people being seriously injured or killed by machinery and electrical equipment. Often, these tragedies happen because people carelessly try to repair or maintain the equipment without making sure its energy source has been shut off. Many times, the accident happens when other workers restart the...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Protect your Eyesight

Weekly Safety Meeting – Protect your Eyesight

In just the blink of an eye, an incident can injure or even blind a worker who is not wearing proper protective eyewear. The type of eye protection–safety glasses, goggles, face shields, or helmets must meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American National...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Confined Space Entry

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safe Confined Space Entry

Confined spaces present a special type of danger – a danger that you may not recognize until you’ve already entered a confined space and encountered the hazard. By then, it may be too late. Toxic gases, lack of oxygen, shifting materials inside, and other hazards can cause injury or death...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Lifts – Protect Yourself

Weekly Safety Meeting – Aerial Lifts – Protect Yourself

Job sites are not always at ground level. Sometimes workers need to use aerial platforms. All work has hazards and risks involved in it, but when you work at an elevated height, extra training and attention to safety procedures is a necessity. Aerial lifts are vehicle-mounted, boom-supported aerial platforms, such...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Concrete

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Concrete

Concrete is easy to work with, versatile, durable, and economical. By taking a few basic precautions, it is also one of the safest building materials known. Relatively few people involved in mixing, handling, and finishing concrete have experienced injury. Concrete work is usually hard physical labor that presents many different...