Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Skid-Steer Loader Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Skid-Steer Loader Safety

Skid steering loaders are a common piece of heavy equipment found on many jobsites. They are capable of being equipped with a multitude of implements operated from the host machine’s hydraulic system. Skid steer loaders are small, powerful machines that may be operated safely by following the general safety requirements...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hierarchy of Controls

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hierarchy of Controls

There are multiple safeguards to control any one hazard. Each level of these safeguards serves to protect employees. Some safeguards or controls are more effective than others. The hierarchy of controls outlines the controls used to mitigate a hazard from most effective to least effective. The Hierarchy of Hazard Control...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Bites and Stings

Weekly Safety Meeting – Insect Bites and Stings

Bites and stings are a relatively common occurrence for people who work outdoors and in enclosed environments where bees and wasps, fire ants, insects and arachnids (spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites) feel at home. Employers and workers are encouraged to understand exposure risks, how to recognize and respond to stings...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Handling Toxic Materials

Weekly Safety Meeting – Handling Toxic Materials

If you look up the word ‘toxic’ in most any dictionary, you’ll find that it means “poisonous.” Most people want nothing to do with poisonous materials, but many people work with them every day. In fact, toxic materials have thousands of uses in industry. Many of the benefits we enjoy,...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Machinery

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Machinery

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 1100 workers in the United States were killed last year by contact with equipment or by being caught up in running machinery. That’s 20% of all fatalities in the workplace. Over a thousand people killed in ways that could have been prevented....

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety from Heat

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety from Heat

At times, workers may be required to work in hot environments for long periods. When the human body is unable to maintain a normal temperature, heat illnesses can occur and may result in death. It is also important to consider that hot work environments may exist indoors. Working outdoors in...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Lead

Weekly Safety Meeting – Working Safely with Lead

It used to be thought that only children were exposed to lead poisoning hazards–primarily from eating lead-based paint chips that fall from doors or windows in the home. This is no longer the case. Studies conducted over the past few years now suggest many adults are exposed to lead in...