Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Electrical Safety – Using GFCIs

Weekly Safety Meeting – Electrical Safety – Using GFCIs

This year, in the U.S. alone, approximately 800 people will be killed by faulty electrical appliances and power tools; hundreds more will be severely injured. Worn insulation, wire damage, and moisture- induced short-circuits can make these devices as “hot” as the power lines to which they are attached. The most...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Electrical Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Electrical Safety

Electricity is an essential source of energy for most work-related operations. However, fewer sources have a greater potential to cause harm than electricity. Working safely with electricity is possible if you are trained in, understand, and follow certain basic ground rules. Electrical hazards are doubly hazardous in that there is...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Hand Power Tools

Failing to properly use and maintain electric-powered tools causes thousands of cuts, punctures, pinches, amputations, and electrocutions each year. Tools can seriously injure or kill the user if not properly maintained or used. Everyone who uses tools must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different types of tools...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazards of Hot Work

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hazards of Hot Work

For some of you, welding is a hands-on job, but welding safety is really up to everyone. It involves not only the welder, but also those working in the vicinity of welding operations. We also need to watch out for hazards should a contractor enter our facility to do a...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Use – Can be Deadly

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Use – Can be Deadly

Employees often bring their cell phones to work, a choice that could potentially cause numerous hazards on the job. Cell phones can be a dangerous distraction in the workplace, just like other workplace distractions such as horseplay and chattering with co-workers or having our minds on something other than our...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Respirator Care

Weekly Safety Meeting – Respirator Care

OSHA requires employers to identify and protect against breathing hazards. Engineering controls are the preferred form of protection, e.g., ventilation, using less toxic measures, and enclosing operations that create air contaminants. When air measurements reveal that engineering controls haven’t brought air hazards to safe levels, employers must provide employees with...

Weekly Safety Meeting – First Aid Awareness

Weekly Safety Meeting – First Aid Awareness

The OSHA First Aid standard requires trained first-aid providers at all workplaces of any size, if there is no “infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees.” When an accident happens, a first aid program that meets the...