Category: Weekly Safety Meeting

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Housekeeping Safety

In the workplace, ‘good housekeeping’ is the term used for keeping the worksite clean, neat, and free of hazards that can cause injury. This isn’t just a matter of appearances – it’s a serious safety issue. In fact, we can easily earn OSHA’s “seal of disapproval” – a citation for...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safely Working with Lead

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safely Working with Lead

It used to be thought that only children were exposed to lead poisoning hazards which occurred mostly from eating lead-based paint chips from doors or windows in the home. This is no longer the case. Studies conducted over the past few years now suggest many adults are exposed to lead...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Use and Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cell Phone Use and Safety

Employees often bring their cell phones to work, a choice that could potentially cause numerous hazards on the job. Cell phones can be a dangerous distraction in the workplace, just like other workplace distractions such as horseplay and chattering with co-workers. Cell phones can cause us to lose focus on...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Sampling in Confined Spaces

Weekly Safety Meeting – Air Sampling in Confined Spaces

Air Sampling is required for two distinct purposes: evaluation of the hazards of the permit space and verification that acceptable conditions exist for entry into that space. A confined space is one that is large enough to enter and perform assigned work in. It has limited or restricted ways to...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Stress

Weekly Safety Meeting – Cold Stress

Cold stress or hypothermia can affect workers not protected against it. When the body cannot maintain its warmth, serious cold-related illnesses and injuries can occur. This may lead to permanent tissue damage or even death. It is natural for your body to try to maintain its core temperature (chest and...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Gasoline Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Gasoline Safety

Gasoline is readily available and routinely used by people in their vehicles and motorized equipment. In spite of the routine use of gasoline, many people are unaware o or unappreciative of the dangers of gasoline. Gasoline is dangerous because it is highly volatile. The fumes are capable of ignition up...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Weekly Safety Meeting – Safety with Powder- Actuated Tools

Whenever you operate a powder-actuated tool (PAT), safe work practices must always be followed. These tools are designed to drive nails or other fastening devices into material such as concrete, steel, and masonry, which are not easily penetrated. These devices use explosive charges similar to a firearm. Since the charge...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Safety

Weekly Safety Meeting – Hot Work Safety

For some of you, welding is a hands-on job, but welding safety is really up to everyone. It involves not only the welder, but also those working in the vicinity of welding operations. We also need to watch out for hazards should a contractor enter our facility to do a...