Category: Safety Tip of the Week

Safety Tip of the Week – Fall Hazards

Safety Tip of the Week – Fall Hazards

Fall Hazards I bet you didn’t know that in a recent year, OSHA recorded 1,048 workers that died on the job, with 335, or 32%, resulting from falls. Each year, falls consistently account for the greatest number of accidents and fatalities. Events surrounding these types of accidents often involve a...

Safety Tip of the Week – PPE: Wet Concrete Safety

Safety Tip of the Week – PPE: Wet Concrete Safety

 PPE: Wet Concrete Safety Wet concrete that is thoroughly and quickly washed off the skin will cause little irritation. But continuous contact between skin and wet concrete allows alkaline compounds to burn the skin. These exposures can lead to irritant or even contact dermatitis conditions such as stinging pain, itching,...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hot and Hazardous (2)

Safety Tip of the Week – Hot and Hazardous (2)

Hot and Hazardous Excessive exposure to a hot work environment can bring about a variety of heat-induced disorders ranging in severity from an irritating heat rash (prickly heat) to heat stroke, a life threatening condition that can quickly result in brain damage or death. Heat stress contributes to the loss...

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Protection

Safety Tip of the Week – Hand Protection

Hand Protection Follow the work practices and use the equipment and gloves provided by your employer. Gloves and safety procedures won’t work if they’re not used or followed. Be aware of the job tasks, equipment, and materials that can create a risk for a hand injury or put your skin...