A service of Safety Unlimited, Inc.

Safety Tip of the Week – The Fatal 4: Electrocutions

Safety Tip of the Week – The Fatal 4: Electrocutions

After falls and struck by incidents, electrocutions are the third leading cause of death in the construction industry, accounting for around 9% of all construction worker fatalities. Linemen, electricians, and facility maintenance workers as well as engineers might be exposed to electrical hazards, as well as workers who use power...

Weekly Safety Meeting – The Fatal 4: Electrocutions

Weekly Safety Meeting – The Fatal 4: Electrocutions

After falls and struck by incidents, electrocutions are the third leading cause of death in the construction industry, accounting for around 9% of all construction worker fatalities. Linemen, electricians, and facility maintenance workers as well as engineers might be exposed to electrical hazards, as well as workers who use power...

Safety Tip of the Week – The Fatal 4: Struck-by

Safety Tip of the Week – The Fatal 4: Struck-by

According to OSHA, struck-by incidents were the overall leading cause of workplace deaths in 2024. These types of injuries are the leading cause of injury and second leading cause of death in the construction industry. Struck-by hazards are injuries produced by forcible contact or impact between the injured person and...

Weekly Safety Meeting – The Fatal 4: Struck-by

Weekly Safety Meeting – The Fatal 4: Struck-by

According to OSHA, struck-by incidents were the overall leading cause of workplace deaths in 2024. These types of injuries are the leading cause of injury and second leading cause of death in the construction industry. Struck-by hazards are injuries produced by forcible contact or impact between the injured person and...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fatal 4: Falls

Weekly Safety Meeting – Fatal 4: Falls

OSHA identifies the “fatal four” as the leading causes of death in the construction industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, 38.4% of deaths in this industry were due to slips, trips, and falls, accounting for about half of fall-related deaths in the U.S. that year. Falls...

Safety Tip of the Week – Fatal 4: Falls

Safety Tip of the Week – Fatal 4: Falls

OSHA identifies the “fatal four” as the leading causes of death in the construction industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, 38.4% of deaths in this industry were due to slips, trips, and falls, accounting for about half of fall-related deaths in the U.S. that year. Employers...

Weekly Safety Meeting – Eye and Face Protection

Weekly Safety Meeting – Eye and Face Protection

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that roughly 20,000 eye injuries occur daily in the United States.  These types of injuries can, in many cases, be prevented with adequate PPE and proper precautions. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) sets requirements for eye and face protection in work and...

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye and Face Protection

Safety Tip of the Week – Eye and Face Protection

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that roughly 20,000 eye injuries occur daily in the United States.  These types of injuries can, in many cases, be prevented with adequate PPE and proper precautions. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) sets requirements for eye and face protection in work and...